We are a charity that supports and educates communities to aim for a better world for all

One people, one world.

Kmoodee is a UK-Ivorian charity that wishes to end abuse against all people through educating and informing. We aim do this by providing facilities in the interests of social welfare, recreation and leisure.

Our overall objective is improving the life conditions of all mankind through our outreach in the UK and abroad.

Championing empowerment

Empowering vulnerable people through education and web based learning opportunities.

Helping families who need it most, by providing advice and essential items, is at the heart of what we do.

Helping families

Community outreach

We organise community outreach projects from collecting food for donation, supporting individuals through the COVID-19 pandemic, to building a mother and baby unit in Côte d'Ivoire.

“Kmoodee is a very active charity that has supported the community over the years, especially during the challenging COVID-19 times. They offered advice, counselling, phone and online support, and daily news.”

— Grace Balafonte

“Kmoodee (new beginning) is at the heart of the African community both in the UK and Côte d’Ivoire. I am always impressed by their determination”

— C. G

Why donate?

We know that you could not donate to every charity but whenever you give, please, think of us.

1. Every donation makes an impact

Your donation enables us to effectively support people in the community. We work closely with sections of the community both in the UK and Côte d’Ivoire, therefore we are aware of their needs.

2. Taking an active part in supporting one another to create a better world

We listen to people’s concerns. We actively look out for members of the community that fall out of the net for various reasons. We assist them to access services.

3. Your actions can inspire others to:

  • To be kind to people around them

  • Give people a sense of belonging and to know that they are not alone

View our events


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

